Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bearing Witness

For a long time, I thought the reason that I wanted to be in newspapers was to tell the story of war, to work with the troops doing embedded journalism. I have friends who served and are still serving in Iraq, so their stories really touched me. Now, I don't know if I could do it.

Reuters put together a multimedia piece called Bearing Witness: Five Years of the Iraq War. The images are so powerful, so raw...and some of it isn't easy to watch. The piece gives an overview of what the journalists covering the war have seen and will continue to see. But what I really liked about it were the profile pieces, which fearful in-depth interviews with reporters and photographers who have been covering the war. Wow.

One of the most disturbing images for me was of a camera abandoned on the ground after an explosion. Why? Whoever had it uses our 70-200 lens.

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