Friday, October 17, 2008

Joe McNally

I remember Mark talking on Tuesday about working with Joe McNally on a diner shoot (almost positive we're both talking about the same guy, but someone please correct me if I'm wrong), and I got a little curious.

Well, I found his blog. It's not strictly business, but I loved reading the stories behind the photos. That, and you get a really good sense of McNally as a person. The first post is actually a farewell to Joe from one of his assistants. It's so cool to read about his experiences working with McNally. Read it! It could be one of us one day.

This is probably one of my favorite photos:

I love the light, love the motion. Plus, one of the photos after it shows where McNally was (in the water). Cool!

P.S. If you make it to the end of the first page of the blog, there's a pretty funny story about airplane sabotage.

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