Thursday, October 30, 2008

Intended Consequences

So, I absolutely love MediaStorm. My favorites thus far: Evidence of My Existence, which Mark talked about way back when, and Ivory Wars. Oh, and for the Radiohead fans among us, there's a great video to "Creep."

I was totally blown away by their last post, "Intended Consequences." It's about the women who survived the Rwandan genocide and had children from rape. Sex has been used as a weapon for a long time, but I don't think that I've ever heard a story that captured the emotions so well.

Seriously, watch it. Watch the individual stories. Then, watch the photographer talking about his reactions and the process of getting the interviews.

Torgovnik, the photographer, raises an interesting question. He says that all photographers are activists. They have to be.

What do you think?

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