Friday, September 12, 2008

This may be cooler to me than most of the rest of you (as far as I know -- maybe I'm not the only one), since I'm more into advertising/studio photography, but I still think it's an interesting article for anyone interested in photography.

This is a five-part tutorial from Atlanta-based photographer Zack Arias (if you've been reading Strobist for a while you may have already seen this, it was on there a few months ago) about how to set up a studio with a white seamless background, like you see used in portraits very often.

But what's cool about it to me is Part Three, where he shows how controlled use of your lighting equipment can turn that same white background to pure black, or even any other colors.

Yeah, that's a white background.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

that is awesome! i still have no idea how to use a light kit. mark? teach us!