Thursday, September 4, 2008

Ugly Made Beautiful

I guess we can't complain about finding legitimate things to photograph anymore... has a really interesting article about making stunning photos from unlikely subjects, such as trash and other discarded materials. Intriguing journalistic statements to be made in a world threatened by consumer waste. I guess sometimes a photo of something really nasty has the ability to make the most lasting impression.

Be sure to also check out the different photo series on Chris Jordan's website. His is the work that the article is about.


Allison said...

oooo! you can find me at the landfill. i was going to go a few weeks ago but it was closed.

Ellie Mann said...

This is really awesome!

When I was in high school, one of my first assignments was to go and photograph something ugly and try to make it beautiful or to photograph something beautiful and try to make it ugly. It was the coolest assignment- it challenged the way that I saw things so much. I really think that it was the best "visual assignment" that I have ever had.

I ended up shooting graffiti and trying to show the beauty behind the vandalism. I had fun with it!